And mine is green, how about you? :)
A foil in literature describes a character who contrasts with another character in order to make comparisons and highlight certain traits between these two persons.
Both Melantho and Eurycleia are servants of Odysseus. While Melantho is unloyal, (sleeping with the suitors while Odysseus is away) and treating him rudely when he returns disguised as a beggar, Eurycleia remains devoted and kind. Melantho is used as a foil for Eurycleia to showcase her good traits.
Friedan's attitude towards what she calls the 'feminine mystique' is that she sees the ideal of femininity as stiffing women's potential in the 1950's. Betty Friedan was a writer and activist of the 1950's and 60's.
The Correct answer is: A,D for ED2020. You're welcome.
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