Laine knows that drinking too much liquor is a costly habit that is bad for his health, but he continues to drink large amounts
of liquor. He also thinks he is a smart person that makes good choices. Laine feels some psychological discomfort from this contradiction, which is also called ________.
Cognitive dissonance can be referred to as the varying mental state caused by inconsistency between a person's two beliefs or a belief and an action.
It is the state of mind when one is battling with either to do what he believes or to act according to the general belief.
It is actually the state of Inconsistency between beliefs and action, this goes ahead to cause mental stress.
Laine continuous engagement in consuming alcohol even though He knows it's not good for the health, and Him being a smart person that always makes good decision, this contradicting belief from his action is as s result of COGNITIVE DISSONANCE. Disagreement between a person's belief and behaviour or action.
This is a psychological principle that deals with an individual having strong beliefs about something and then exhibiting/performing some activities that contradicts it . This inconsistency is known as dissonance.
In this case, he thinks he is a person that always make good choices whereas he keeps on making bad choices about his consumption of large amount of liquor which is dangerous to his body.
Cherokee women were the equals of men. They had the same freedom of politics, economy and theology. Women had autonomy and sexual freedom, could obtain divorce easily. They owned their own homes and fields, and had significant political and economic power.
Gender is a term that refers to social or cultural distinctions associated with being male or female. Norms are rules or expectations that are socially enforced. Gender roles are the prescribed behaviors, attitudes and characteristics associated with one's gender status as a female or a male. I'm unsure on the 5 differences, sorry.
What the exercise describes is a form of fraud commited with checks. The check kiter would take advantage of the float to make use of funds (that do not exist) in a bank account transforming a check in a form of unauthorized credit, like the exercise examplifies: Out of 2 accounts, you issue a check that overdraws their accout at bank 1, and then deposits a check in that account from their bank 2 to cover the first check. You "abuse" the float to make use of funds that don't exist.
The Emerson’s transcendental ideals of self-reliance and communion with nature were put into practice by Henry David Thoreau.
Henry David Thoreau was one of the most popular philosophers who believed in the teaching of self-reliance taught by Waldo Emerson.
Henry David Thoreau was supposedly the first person to put Emerson’s transcendental ideals into practice by following the teachings of unity with nature.
He also believed that it is through the practice of transcendentalism that one can ultimately achieve utter peace of living.