their relative densities
The relative densities of the earth's materials can be inferred by the arrangement of the earth layers.
Compositionally, the earth is made up of three distinct layers; core, mantle and the crust.
- The crust is the thin outermost layer of the earth.
- The mantle straddles the zone between the core and crust.
- The core is the innermost layer of the earth.
During the formation of the earth, materials differentiated into different layers based on density.
The densest materials settled in the core and they are made up of iron and nickel metals.
The lightest materials of silicate affinity partitioned to the crust.
The mantle contained materials whose density straddles between the crust and core.
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Cosmogony is a set of religious beliefs concerning the origin of the universe. A variety of events in physical environment are more likely to be incorporated into the principles of an ethnic religion unlike universalizing religion. ... Many holy places are not related to any particular physical environment.
I would think population density
Russia. Is is the border of Europe very close to Asia
A missigenação da população brasileira gerou uma grande diversidade que pode ser vista nas caracteristicas fisicas como a cor do cabelo, da pele e a fisionomia, como nas caracteristicas culturais como musica, culinária, dentre outros.
O Brasil recebeu a presença de muitos povos diferente, de todos os lugares do mundo que começaram a se misturar entre sí a se misturar com a população nativa, os indigenas que ja estavam aqui antes da chegada deles. As maiores misturas foram feitas com indigenas, europeus e africanos, que eram as nações com maior concentração no país. Isso fez com que o povo brasileiro fossemuito diversificado, apresenta culturas diferentes e fisionomias diferentes, que representam os diversos povos espalhados pelo mundo.
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