D. The conversation you write must sound natural for the characters.
More natural conversations between characters make your writing more fun to read. Reading a dialogue that sounds like it could actually happen engages the reader, and creates an investment in the characters themselves. Think of it this way, would you rather watch a movie with good acting or bad acting?
Answer: importance
Sitting in a room full of mistakes
I had to find room for my faith.
Underneath my sorrow
there I see,
a letter sitting there
waiting for me.
As I open it up
and see what is there
I pause and then even stare.
There I see a letter of glee
showing me there is importance in me.
- Matar a un ruiseñor se lleva a cabo en Maycomb, Alabama, durante 1933-1935.
- To Kill a Mockingbird está ambientada en la ciudad ficticia de Maycomb, Alabama, durante la Gran Depresión (1929-1939).
- La historia se centra en Jean Louise ("Scout") Finch, una niña inusualmente inteligente que tiene entre seis y nueve años durante la novela.
- Maycomb, Alabama; 1930: la ciudad está cansada, vieja, somnolienta, calurosa. Algunas personas son muy racistas.
Espero haberte ayudado mucho con tu pregunta y espero que hayas entendido en qué estaba tratando de ayudarte: ¡que tengas un día maravilloso y BUENA SUERTE!