C… the first two seem more like strengths
As the world's largest country in total area, Russia showcases a wide diversity of landforms. In general terms, it is divided into some very specific geographical zones.
Some Details...
<span>The broad European Plain, or Volga River Plain extends from the Ural Mountains to its western borders with Europe. </span>
<span>The central and southern areas of Russia include large fertile areas, marsh, steppes (plains without trees) and massive coniferous forests. </span>
<span>Siberia is a combination of frozen tundra, with rolling hills rising to plateaus, punctuated by scattered mountain ranges. </span>
<span>Mountain ranges are found across Russia, with many of the major ones stretching along its southwestern, southeastern and eastern borders </span>
<span>In the far southwest the Caucasus Mountains slice across the land. The country's highest point, Mt. Elbrus at 18,481 ft. (5,633 m), is located there. </span>
<span>Making up the natural border between </span>European Russia<span>and </span>Asia<span>, the Ural Mountains extend from the </span>Arctic Ocean<span> to </span>Kazakhstan's<span> northern border. </span>
There were two main reasons why Bush's approval ratings fell at the end of his presidency, the first being that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were wildly unpopular, and the second being that the US economy was struggling.
Good Friday commemorates the day Jesus was crucified. In the Gospels, Jesus was arrested by royal guards in Jerusalem at the Garden of Gethsemane after he was betrayed by Judas. Jesus struggled on the cross for six hours, and according to the Bible, when he eventually gave up his spirit darkness fell across the land.
The Church; during the Medieval era, the Catholic Church taught that art was expected to be used specifically to honor God. Medieval artists did not take credit for their work because they were supposed to be like gifts to God. However, with the rise of humanism, Renaissance artists began focusing on other, secular aspects of life like the human body. This did not make the Church happy.