I'm glad (no)...
I doubt...
It's good that (no)...
It is impossible that...
I hope (no)...
I don't think...
Student 1: The end of the school year is here
Student 2: It is impossible for the end of the school year to come.
1. I received an A in Spanish class.
2. Your best friend recently lost weight.
3. Beyoncé gave a concert yesterday with Jay-Z.
4. My parents made a million dollars.
5. I have learned to speak Japanese.
6. Our teacher was born in Bolivia.
7. I went out last night with...
8. Last year my family and I went hiking to...
Its translated to English
this means I can speak Spanish, my cousin who was born in Mexico but lives in North Carolina helps me learn while working on my Spanish II homework.
La familia hispana es más apegada incluso regularmente se reúnen las familias completas ( tíos, tías, abuelos, bisabuelos, primos, cuñadas, nueras, novias, nietos, bisnietos, sobrinos, etc. ).
En la familia norteamericana no existe ese vínculo más allá de los padres matemos y paternos.
Think about it like male and female articles.
If the word ends in a then the answer will be "la". That's the female article. If the word ends in o then the answer will be "el". That's the male article. "Los" is also a male article and "las" is also a female article. Those are the basics of Spanish articles.
- Maria le habla a su hermana.
-Ella no quiere ir a la fiesta
- Nosotras seguimos a el perrito