The constitution must be open to be amended but only when the majority agrees.
The constitution is in many ways a living document.
A constitutions written in the 18th century may have the same core values as the nation right now but its laws either don't hold up or there are certain areas that are left ambiguous and have become glaring in the modern society.
At this point it is important to rule them out and to make new laws for the new life of the new native people of the nation.
But this must only be done when one is certain that the nation is ready for reform and it is begin done with their will.
Since 1980 Iraq attacked the following countries: 1. It attacked Kuwait during the 1990's Gulf War for oil control. They invaded Kuwait led by Saddam Hussein. 2. Iraq also attacked Iran in 1980 the conflict lasted for 8 years, it is known as the Iran-Iraq War. Iraq wanted to replace Iran as the leader Persian Gulf and they were worried about the consecuences that the Iranian revolution of 1979 could have.
In 2003 the United States and other countries from the coalition group invaded Iraq in the Iraq War or also known as the Operation Iraqi Freedom. The invasion lasted only a month and its purpose was to end Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism and free the people of Iraq.
The North was occupied by the people of western England and mirrored their philosophy of hard word. The middle colonies were established by the people of Ireland and reflected their Celtic attitude of do enough to get the job done. The Deep South was settled by Prisoners in Georgia and political prisoners in Carolina (there was no north and south yet. These people were trying to establish a way of life that was distanced from that of Europe.