Developing the fur trade, converting the Native Americans
Mecca leaders were worried about losing their political and economic power. The expansion of Islam, the new religion preached by Muhammad, contradicted traditional beliefs and practices of the Arab tribes. Its condemnation of idolatry and its monotheistic character was particularly troubling for them. The Quraysh tribe heads in Mecca controlled the Kaaba - a key religious place still important in Islam -, and their political and religious power rested upon managing access to polytheistic shrines. So, Muhammad´s doctrine of one God - Allah - questioned their legitimacy and sociopolitical position.
By supporting causes to make sure mexican immagration did not happen
) The tradition of love and courtship followed by medieval noblesCourtly love was a medieval concept of love which emphasized nobility and chivalry. Although not limited to this class, it began as a concept among knights and the land-owning class, and involved men going to great lengths to charm and earn the favor of a deserving woman.