Monsters and heroes is a fiction which is about the history and journey of a hero and is very famous and well known.
Monster and heroes is a fiction which consists of parts in it and all the parts are very famous and well known. All the parts mostly talk about the journey of a hero of the fiction. This is the central idea of the story.
Joseph Campbell's work with Mono myth is absolutely the most notable. In his book, "The Hero with a Thousand Faces", he maps out the essential account example of pretty much every story out there and really comes it down into seventeen phases in three stages. Others have made comparable examples or further consolidated Campbell's into twelve or so steps, however Campbell's work is commonly viewed as the most huge.
William Wordsworth<span>'s poetry exhibits </span><span>Romantic characteristics </span><span>and for his treatment towards romantic elements, he stands supreme and he can be termed a </span>Romantic poet<span> on a number of reasons. The Romantic Movement of the early nineteenth century was a revolt against the classical tradition of the eighteenth century; but it was also marked by certain positive trends. Wordsworth was, of course, a pioneer of the Romantic Movement of the nineteenth century. With the publication of </span>Lyrical Ballads<span>, the new trends become more or less established.
This should be enough?</span>
I read the book long ago (maybe like last year in march/may)
I think the mustang cars were the ones ridden by the greasers
sooo the purpose would be to travel
Question 1 is- All of the above.