The answer is; greenhouse effect, insulating
Examples of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are carbon dioxide and methane. They trap infrared light spectrum emitted from the earth towards space. This trap acts as heat insulation causing global temperatures to rise and resulting in global warming and climate change.
My hypothesis is that the Hawaiian Island chain was formed by a hot spot in the middle of the Pacific Plate. While the hot spot itself is fixed, the plate is moving. My data supports my hypothesis because as the plate moved over the hot spot, the islands that make up the Hawaiian Island chain were formed.
I believe the answer is the Regeneration stage.
A this stage of the Calvin Cycle, only one of the G3P molecules leaves the cycle and is sent to the cytoplasm to contribute to the formation of other compounds needed by the plant. Because the G3P exported from the chloroplast has three carbon atoms, it takes three "turns" of the Calvin cycle to fix enough net carbon to export one G3P. Each turn makes two G3Ps, therefore three turns make six G3Ps.
cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated.
they may be used by dividing into two or more cells called the daughter cells