El Narrador: "Hasta este tiempo ella pienso a poner extremadamente nerviosa y repensar su decisión de salir..."
Princessa: Sí yo soy la princessa pero mí familia están muy enojados y viven lejos...¿Que quieres de mi?
Juan el asesinato:"Nada, yo quería saber que no eras perdida y quería ver si pudría ayudate."
El Narrador: Juan pienso a poner princesa M aún más incómoda y despues la gran inesperada cosa sucedió."
Juan el asesinato:"Mira que yo tengo aquí princessa, "tira el cuchillo" usted viniste al lugar correcta a la tiempo correcto.
Princessa: Aí no por favor no haces cualquier cosa, por favor simplemente no me mates!!"
El Narrador:"Juan estaba sorprendida de la acciones de ella pero tenia algunas otras palabras a decir a la princessa."
Lo, Los, Los. This has already been answered.
The Wayuu Cultural Festival celebrates the tradition and folklore of the Wayuu people by having crafts, ceramic, horse races, women weaving, traditional dancing (Yonna and Kaulayaa), percussions, children representing their culture with myths and legends and, finally, typical dishes called "friche" and "mazamorra", and also goat and fish.
To complete this exercise, you have to answer the question about the <u>Wayuu Cultural Festival.</u> It's a Festival to celebrate the Wayuu culture. It's celebrated in Uribia, La Guajira, Colombia and the date is not always the same, it changes from year to year. It's a very colorful festival.
Ponte los zapatos de tenis! (Singular)
Pónganse los zapatos de tenis! (Plural)
In this case, the expression of mandate in the singular is used, because it is referring to a single person, Josefina.
Although the text refers to awakening everyone, both the one and the other, the mandate is directed exclusively to Josefina.
However, when addressing several, the expression of mandate changes to the plural, and then "Ponte" will no longer be used, but "Pónganse".
?? What exactly are you asking ?