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Costume, props, lightening (usually used to emphasize the importance of characters/props). And there’s more but I can’t think of all of them right now!
What you need to do? I can try my best to help you if you let me know what your working on
The narrator's description of the mother contrasted sharply with the revelation of the mother's secret, revealing her to be someone she presented herself not to be which surprises and shocks the reader, as the mother was practically described as being a saint.
In A Dead Woman's Secret the narrator described the mother as a rigid disciplinarian who instilled unshakable morals in her children, which resulted in the son becoming a magistrate without pity for the weak and the daughter becoming a nun.
This description creates an image of the mother as a virtuous woman in the reader's mind, as also assumed by her son and daughter.
So the surprise is real when the mother is revealed to be a woman who had an affair with a man that was not her husband, the behavior is not in keeping with who she was described to be.
morose is closest to gloomy. But gloomy is not quite correct. Gloomy is just a state om mind.
Morose is quite different I think. It is a life lived on the gloomy side, and somewhat constant in the way it lives that life. I think there is some measure of contentment when we are morose -- maybe we even like it.