Promène-toi dans les parcs pour te divertir.
- Tu fais souvent du ski ?
- Non, je ne fais jamais "de" ski.
<em>a. de </em>
It depends on what you want to say, I can translate for you on what you want to say if you want?
Un narrateur est la personne qui raconte l'histoire.
A narrator is the person who tells the story.
Sometimes its the voice off-stage who sets the scene, or provides explanation of what the characters might be doing that is not evident to the audience.
In literature, it's the voice telling the story. In English class you may have learned about "first person narrator" a person involved in the story telling it from his/her own viewpoint: "I looked around and I noticed that everyone was staring at me. . ."
Or 'third person narrator describing the action as an observer: "Bill looked around and suddenly realized that everyone was staring at him."
Hello !
1) Sur quel site as-tu vu ces photos ?
2) De quels réseaux sociaux parlez-vous?
3) Pour quelles raisons n'aimes-tu pas communiquer par SMS?
4) À quel moment pourrions-nous nous parler sur Sky pe?
<em>* Sky pe : please note this is one word without a </em><em>space</em>
Have a nice day ;)