What, When, Where.
What is in the background, What is the time, year, day ect..., And where does the setting take place.
The reader learns that the speaker is an educated man.
Using the process of elimination, that one makes the most sense.
correlation between grades and success in life. The only correlation found was between grades and academic success. In other words, for those who aspire to academic studies, scores predict success.
In no way was the idea of "separate but equal" consistent with the provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment, which basically establishes equal rights between African Americans and whites in the country, and admits the citizenship of black people.
The racist governments in the south of the country sought a mechanism to, without manifestly contravening this amendment, segregate the African American population and separate it from the white population. To do this, they sought to comply with the rights established in the Constitution, but through different services from those of whites, and of much lower quality.
Thus, with the complicity of the judicial systems, they violated the principle of equality of the Constitution, protecting themselves in an alleged legality of the "separate but equal" system.
Explanation: One of Prospero's actions that most clearly indicates that he is manipulative is tha fact that Prospero puts Miranda to sleep with his magic so he can plan other things.