To exactly which Anti-Vietnam Movement do you refer. You want a short answer. Simply listing the various groups would be too long, and each had its own ideologies. Guess it's time to hit the books.
<span>Feisty is right. I checked too. Since you only want short answers and no detail, it is abundantly clear that you don't want any reliable or relevant information. Good attitude. Lots of luck in life, but please to the rest of us a favor: when you're old enough, please, please, please DON'T vote.</span>
Originally known as Fort Carillion, it was built in 1755 by French settlers, as a military base. Due to the important position linking Canada and the valley of the Hudson River, the British attempted to conquer it in 1758, having suffered great losses from the fewer French troops. However, next year, British manage to conquer and rename it to Fort Ticonderoga. In May 1775 during the French and Indian wars, Benedict Arnold joined Ethan Allen and Mountain Boys of Vermont, and at dawn attacked and won the fortress from the small and sleepy garrison of the British.
Although it was a small conflict, this was the first victory of the colonialists in the revolutionary war against the British, it had to be a morale booster and enabled key artillery for the continental army in the first year of the war. Next year. this artillery was used during the successful siege of Boston.
The right answer is B. It provided cannon and weapons General Washington later used in Boston.
The answer is A hope that helps
well a lot to be honest. As you may know war mainly has one of these goals. land, goods ( economic gain), religion there's more but these are the most common. And to be honest since nothing was won from this war there was no sole reason for it so either way no side would have won and that's why it was a failure on both ends.