1) New and revolucionary tactics and weapons (european powers use the inspirations in WWI)
2) Number of fallen remains far higher than in any other american war before or after
3) That is was war to prevent seccesion of Southern states and breaking of USA
Pueblos. Towns which became the centers of trade.
Mission. Religious communities that included a small town, surronding farmland and a church.
Presidios. Forts, typically built near the missions.
They played the British empire and the French empire again st each other by sighing each others treaties both. This counterbalance both of the powers that if one tries conquer Thailand, the other will try to stop it.
It's called - Utopian Society
The Continental army of General Washington were camped in the Valley Forge in 1777 - 1778. There was no war in the valley yet it was here that the troop had almost quit. They were here blood, war - beaten, and batle - weary.