you see classified advertisement in the newspaper invitations applications for the post of a sales executive in a reputed bank w
rite a bio data in about 120-150 words to the HR manager HABS bank Lajpat Nagar new applying for the post advertised you avani/aviral of 120 Kirti Nagar Delhi
I decided to write to him to present my qualifications for the post of Sales Executive.
My name is Avani Jain, born on March 8, 1994. Single and without children. I am graduated from the B.A. University with a double degree in business administration and social work, where I spent with credits of honor to merit in the first class. After graduation I started my master's degree in sales technology with an emphasis on information systems. During the master's degree I got involved in several independent companies which are listed in the annex. At that moment I built my experiences in developing campaigns, marketing, advertising and publicity.
In addition, I spent two years in Australia to perfect the English language, which I can speak fluently.
The 3 things you first need to do to respond to a prompt are 1. write a thesis statement and list key support. 2. Write your response. Include your thesis statement. 3. and provide your key support in well-organized paragraphs with topic sentences.