See explanation below
1. Mi madre compra
2. Yo compro
3. Usted y él compran
4. Tu compras
5. Tu padre y yo compramos
This is not Spanish, this is Latin.
Answers below.
1. Sailor to France by ship.
2. Sailor tells the story of the poet.
3. Queen gives farmers and villages.
4. She sends money to the girl.
5. Families carry the statue to the forest.
6. Females carry the water to the farm.
7. Poet girls story. 8. The sailors sail Sicily.
9. farmers queens to give money.
10. Poet walk to the forest.
1. Comidas saludables
2. Es muy importante tomar agua todos los dias
3. Es importante comer muchas frutas
4.Es importante tener muchos vegetales y verdes
5. Asegurate tener muchas proteinas y carne cuando comes saludable
She like to read: Ella le gusta leer.
She doesn't like spiders: Ella no le gusta las aranas.