An unequal power relationship is the basic component of a power structure. The person with superior power, either due to trust or to technology access or superior knowledge, does not necessarily have superior ethical judgement, just because they are trusted, technologically enabled, or better educated.
Answer: W'Kabi will make a nice collage using magazines
Explanation: Active voice verb means that a sentence has a subject that acts upon its verb. W'Kabi 'will make a nice collage" that is the action that W'Kabi is doing.
Napoleon did not try to maintain the countries he conquered yet he continued to invade more countries. When he tried to invade Russia, the winter killed most of his soldiers while the Russian army defeated the rest. When Napoleon withdrew from Russia, all the countries he conquered fought back and his power disappeared completely.
Answer and Explanation:
It is not correct to say that informal institutions do not play a role in the processing phases of systems theory. This is because the processing phases of this theory are based on building the limits and goals of a system that is natural or created by human beings. This is because the objectives and delimitation of a system are completely related to the creation of rules and concepts within the community in which this system is inserted. These rules and concepts, as well as the ideas and certainties of a community, are developed by non-formal institutions. In this case, we can say that informal institutions determine the basis for the limitation and goal creation of a system, which are the main elements of the processing phases of systems theory.