C) Filled with light or very bright
Paul Holden is Darry's former friend and Soc member, the first to challenge Darry at the start of the rumble. Pony mentions that Paul had played halfback on Darry's football team and used to be close with his oldest brother. Unlike Darry, whose parents died in a tragic accident and who was forced to abandon his dreams of playing college football in order to raise Pony and Soda, Paul was fortunate and had the opportunity to enroll in college.
As the two boys stare each other down, Pony notices that Paul views Darry with hate, contempt, and pity. Darry hates and envies Paul because he was given certain advantages and opportunities in life. While Paul continued to play football and earn a college education, Darry was forced to work two jobs and struggles to make ends meet. Darry also hates the fact that he is representing the Greasers, which Pony understands is a source of shame. Overall, Darry is jealous of Paul's fortunate life and resents the fact that Paul was given so many opportunities while he was forced to work to support himself and his family and abandon his dreams.
Partnership by estoppel means that a person who is not technically a partner can be held liable as a general partner would be for any debts and damages owed to a third party.
What comes to my mind is a person who wants avenge something, whether a person or and item that they love. It usually has malice behind it.
No, because he says that the squirt is not as chivalrous as the night, because he has relations with a women. The knight is the epitome of chivalry, and fights in the Crusades, God’s holy wars, but the squire is not focused on saving others