John J. Pershing
Is well remembered for commanding the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) in Europe on the Western Front during the First World War.
During Hoover's administration, the stock market collapsed. This was such a huge deal because people were borrowing money from the banks and putting in stock market. When the collapse occurred people were unable to repay the banks the money they took out, the banks failed.
The creation of poor people caused the idea of America to fall apart because America said, "everyone has an equal opportunity." The creation of poor people begs to differ. hope this helps ig.
The term Golden Age comes from Greek mythology and it refers to the initial stage of all the different human eras. In the Golden Age men lived in an ideal state, in an utopian dream, where humankind was pure and immortal. The Golden Age does not about war, work, the old age stage of life, nor sickness, and in this age, people died in a pacific dream. The main reason why there are no conflicts among men is because the land offers and produces goods in adequate quantities, in order to satisfy all men needs; men in the Golden Age lived a happy, easy life.
So, if there is no conflict between the humankind, if there is equality among men, prosperity and wealth for everyone in the same proportion, if there is no sickness, and if there is a cultural interaction between civilizations a Golden Age must rise. Humans will live a happy, calm life, without any worries; which will make perfect lives in an apparent perfect world. This is actually an utopic thought due to the fact that life is not perfect and that humans are confrontational, greedy and troubled.
The spread and enhancement of Enlightenment Ideas can be accredited to Salons hosted by women like Madame Geoffrin. Philosophers, authors, and economists would go to these Salons and exchange ideas of the economy and government. The salons would become "public spheres" which was recognized by Jürgen Habermas' The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere. Women's rights got a huge boost as women could learn from the philosophers inside the Salons.