The Bennet sisters were women, therefore they could not be direct heirs of any inheritance or fortune left by their father and they also had no options to work for their feminine conditions, the only way for them to had a comfortable and stable life, It was to get marry with man of fortune which will take care of them, that's why Mrs. Bennet's want to meet her new neighbors because it's an opportunity.
D. engrossing is something attention grabbing, as in to be engrossed in something
It contains a <em>comma splice</em>.
Both comma splice and fused sentence are <em>writing errors</em> that occur when we try <em>to join two independent clauses (</em> it has a subject and a verb and presents a complete thought)
Fused sentence occurs when we join two independent clauses without any punctuation ( I love books my favorite book is<em> The Catcher in the Rye</em> ).
Comma splice occurs when we join two independent clauses with a comma, like in the given sentence. To fix this error, we can: put a <em>semicolon</em> (<em>No one likes a bully; He has no friends.</em> ) or a<em> period</em> between these two sentences (<em>No one likes a bully. He has no friends.</em> ) or <em>add a conjunction </em>(<em>No one likes a bully so he has no friends.</em>)
Follow the church or its beliefs
Answer :)
I had a very good friend called Liam. I used to always go to the park with him and play with each other. but one day, his attitude seemed wired. I tried to talk to him, but he just ignored me, so i slapped him playfully in the arm, when he suddenly punched me in my stomach, and broke my rib. He ended up breaking his own fingers, but i just remember how mad he was at me, for a reason i never knew.
i hope this helps!! :)
another one!!!
this is a story from my friend who dosent mind me sharing, but here it goes.
along time ago when i was very little, i was being teased, but i made it seem like a big deal. One of the kids who was teasing told me to mind my own business, but i got mad so i defended myself and said, " you shodent say that." the kid was got very mad and actually came up to me and pulled my hair. I started to cry, because it hurt, but someone intervened and the kid got in trouble.
sorry if this isnt good enough, but i dont know what else to write. :]