That would be Apogee which is the farthest point of the moon from the Earth. The opposite would be Perigee and this is also when the moon appears larger.
The mapmakers have to make this choice because of the shape of our planet and because there is still not a method as to how to have both the land shapes and distances to be precise at the same time.
The shape of the earth is the factor that is not allowing (at least for now) that we have both correct land shapes and precise distances on the maps of the Earth. Because the Earth has a rounded shape, as we move further away from the Equator, the shapes are deforming more and more, or rather they are stretching more and more which makes them appear much bigger than they actually are, thus giving us an unrealistic picture of the size of some of the places on our planet.
To calculate the anomalies, from each monthly data point you subtract that month’s average. These monthly averages, called the “climatology”, are shown in the top row of Figure 2.
There are 5 types of settlement classified according to their pattern, these are, isolated, dispersed, nucleated, and linear.