To check if the year comes under each 100th year, lets check if the remainder when dividing with 100 is 0 or not.
Similarly check for 400th year and multiple 0f 4. The following C program describes the function.
bool is_leap_year(int year);
void main()
int y;
bool b;
printf("Enter the year in yyyy format: e.g. 1999 \n");
scanf("%d", &y); // taking the input year in yyyy format.
b= is_leap_year(y); //calling the function and returning the output to b
printf("Thae given year is a leap year \n");
printf("The given year is not a leap year \n");
bool is_leap_year(int year)
if(year%100==0) //every 100th year
if(year%400==0) //every 400th year
return true;
return false;
if(year%4==0) //is a multiple of 4
return true;
return false;
Output is given as image
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Johannes Gutenberg, although there are various examples of movable type from China (and Korea, to a lesser extent).
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