Many native Americans were forced into labor on roads
There were many reasons that led to Secession which ultimately led to Civil war.
Before the Civil War, the country was divided between North and South. Secession was withdrawal of 11 states where slavery was legal from the Union. This was followed by electing Abraham Lincoln as the President. There were many issues between the two states which included the beliefs like one wanted more States Rights while the other wanted the federal government to control the states. Then there were differences over taxes. But the main issue was still slavery. It was legal in South which was then gradually banned.
The Civil War broke out as a result of all these issues. Since the time of the American Revolution, two camps emerged when it came to the role of government.
The Prison is causing him depression
Jean is a good perosn when he starts his life, however he turns evil and does not want to listen to anyone. He does not care for anyone,nor does he appreciate anyone. This is because of intense depression. When Jean experinces how quiet and lonely a jail cell can be, he goes into deep depression, and goes crazy. This causes him to lose his emotions and feeling for others. The jail cell causes all of this to Jean. The Bishop gives Jean kindness and shelter. Although, Jean decides to steal his silver, rather than being nice to the Bishop.
We as humans, can easily get into minor depression. Whether it is a minor assigment, losing a game, losing a friend, and much more. This depression can cause lots of harm to us at first, but it can affect other peeople around that person. If a person is depressed, he can easily get mad at his best friend. He or she could do something wrong which no one though he would do. This is the result of depression. Our altititude towards others, can change their perspective of who we really are. They can also be emotionally moved or hurt by what comes out of our mouths by accident due to depression. We should alwyas be careful of controling our anger, and not expressing our bad feelings on others who have not done any harm to us.
Please go over for any gramatical or spelling errors!
C. Germans turned to fascist leaders
Meiji Restoration of 1868