Answer: It's about achieving your goals, no matter the situation.
You know the meaning of the word "exodus" ? Well, basically it's the march that a population perform from one place to another, looking for better opportunities or even a different life style.
This metaphor talks about how anyone can cross through rivers, mountains and valleys in order to achieve an specific goal.
A clear example? Self-improvement.
Not even the overwhelming heat of a "desert" can stop human will.
The dates may be rather arbitrary, but the main distinction between Early Modern and Late Modern English (or just Modern English as it is sometimes referred to) lies in its vocabulary - pronunciation, grammar and spelling remained largely unchanged.
They change shape due to a number of reasons.
The easiest reason to understand why they change is that they erode.
The coasts around the the world erode due to waves hitting cliffs, the wind batting against the coasts etc. Over a long period of time we can see that they change in shape.
(sorry I don't know why they move)
because it's a very strong country