1. primary source materials.
2. historiography
Two conflicts-the War of the Spanish Succession and the war in the Baltic-almost merged into a single pan-European war. Even though Russia and Prussia appeared on the international scene, the balance of power that emerged after the Thirty Years ' War was never broken. None of the great powers could achieve unconditional dominance over rivals.
In the 18th century, France was weakened. Sweden, Spain, and Holland withdrew to the second roles. The strongest players looked England and the Austrian Empire. Prussia and Russia were gaining political weight.
The Ordinance of 1785 provided for the scientific surveying of the territory's lands and for a systematic subdivision of them. Land was to be subdivided according to a rectangular grid system. The basic unit of land grant was the township, which was a square area measuring six miles on each side.
1. Corruption
2. Poverty
3. Pollution
4. Lack of job opportunity
5. Lack of support in Agriculture