Wemmick's personality at home is different from his personality at the office because at home, Wemmick is unique, inviting and very warm but at his office, he becomes cold and feels unfriendly and uninviting.
Actually, Wemmick lives in a place that's homey and pleasant. To him, his house is literally his castle. He stays in a little cottage.
He shows two different behaviors at office and at home.
"Great Expectations" is a novel by English writer, Charles Dickens. The story depicts the education of a young orphan nicknamed Pip.
The goal of the porter is to serve as an alert to the reader that something terrible is going to happen in the castle.
When the porter refers to hell, he warns the reader that something big and so terrible is going to happen that can be compared to hell and all the wickedness and agony that this place symbolizes. This situation is the murder of the king in cold blood and the ususpation and persecution that the murderer will provoke, as well as all the mental lack of control and emotional exhaustion that will be presented during the narrative.
As·ser·tion (ə-sûr′shən)n.1. The act of asserting.2. Something declared or stated positively, often with no support or attempt at <span>proof.</span>
<h3>D or B </h3>
<h3>I'm not sure but </h3>
<h3>I hope its help</h3>
<h2>#Carry On Learning</h2>