When Douglass first arrives<span>, </span>Mrs<span>. </span>Auld<span> was kind and helpful to him. She </span>did<span> not </span>treat<span> him as a slave. In fact, </span>Mrs<span>. </span>Auld's<span> “</span>inexperience” with slavery helpsDouglass<span> in a way that was advantageous to him to learn reading and writing</span>
Exercise 3: Choose the best answer.
1. A coat made of wool is a ______.
A. Coated wool
B. coat wool
C. wooled coat
D. wool coat
2. Shoes made of leather are ______.
A. Shoe leather
B. leather shoes
C. shoes leather
D. leathers shoes.
3. This is the ranch of my ______
A. Bother-in-law
B. brother-in -law
C. brother’s-in-law
D. brother-in-law’s
4. ______ clothes are always diverse styles and colors.
A. Woman
B. woman’s
C. women’s
D. womens’
5. The cup used to make tea is called ______.
A. Tea-cup
B. tea of cup
C. teacup
D. tea’s cup
7. Horses used to compete in horse racing at annual festivals are ______.
A. Race-horse
B. race horses
C. racing horses
D. races horses
8. The person who does housework is ______.
A. Housewife
B. house-wife
C. wife-house
D. house’s wife
9. Our center has a lot of ______.
A. Exercise of book
B. exercise’s book’s
C. exercises-books
D. exercise-books
New Mexico climate is pleasant and have greatest attraction.
New Mexico is the state of America . It is the 47th state of America. It is on fifth position in America based on area of United States. It is bounded by Colorado to the North Oklahoma and from Texas to the east side. The new area of Mexico was claimed by the Spain in 16th century. Now it is the part of New Mexico in 1821. Mexico has been shared the old west legacy. Now Mexico is highly urbanized city. The new Mexico has the flattest land and the mountains, meadow. The average elevation ranges from the 5000ft to the 8000ft. In Mexico their are five major drainage such as Rio, Grande, Pecos, Canadians, San Juan, and the Gila.
Reconnective Healing is an established non-touch energy healing approach that encompasses the benefits of all known techniques without any complicated steps, equipment, procedures or rituals.