Zoom of the places attached.
Name: Timbukty, Mali
Latitude: 16° 45 ′ 59.72" N
Longitude: 3° 00 ′ 09.22" W
Name: The Tacoma Community College Campus
Latitude: 47° 14 ′ 46.43" N
Longitude: 122° 31 ′ 13.62" W
Name: Mount McKinley, Alaska
Latitude: 63° 04 ′ 07.83" N
Longitude: 151° 00 ′ 25.14" W
Name: Mauna Kea, Hawaii
Latitude: 19° 49 ′ 14.20" N
Longitude: 155° 28 ′ 05.14" W
Lithosphere is the crust and upper mantle of the earth.
Answer: 1. Malaria 2. Ebola 3. It is sometimes referred to as a political disease as it has the most controversy around the topic of politics around any disease. For more than two decades various initiatives have been taken to respond to the disease by various political parties and governments.
The answer would have to be A.
What’s the whole question asking what are the options??