The correct answer is aerobic conditions.
When you do rigorous exercise, the cells of the muscles require more oxygen and this requirement is met through aerobic conditions.
The body has its own oxygen energy system that manages the presence of the oxygen during movement.
Nondisjunction: Failure of paired chromosomes to separate (to disjoin) during cell division, so that both chromosomes go to one daughter cell and none go to the other. Nondisjunction causes errors in chromosome number, such as trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) and monosomy X (Turner syndrome). It is also a common cause of early spontaneous abortions
I think it is true because musicians do have to know their instrments and they have to know how to play it how to read the music or if you sing there is a lot more to it. and with athletes they have to have good strength and they have to understand whatever sport they play.