Geologic features that are often associated with volcanoes or volcanic areas include craters, calderas, volcanic vents, geysers, and hot springs. Depressions commonly found at the top of volcanoes are craters.
Weather is a complex phenomena. in order to solve engineering problems such as the prediction of weather, we utilize degrees of freedom (DoF)... weather is one of the many elements that need millions of DoF and still cannot accurately predict it. mainly it's a vector analysis much akin to finite element analysis where each micro degree of freedom or say molecule of air is represented as one point interconnected in a web of points and each point's properties are altered relatively (similar principles how autonomous mini drones coordinate synchoronously) to each other.
many factors are considered: pressure, temperature and density of the air for sure. friction factors. drag factors. rotation of the earth. and that's the natural phenomena. include the heat given off the land, the radiation from the sun, airplanes, people, etc... its highly complicated. having done a weather station project, it's fair to say that there isn't a simple answer to your simple question. we measured wind direction, wind current, temp and humidity, visibility, pressure, etc... and we couls measure these things, but can't really say why say the wind went east or west... except tell you that its because of millions of degrees of freedom interacting with each other simultaneously and some things like weather are just like that.
The heat that remains inside the Earth from its creation and radioactive decay are its main heat sources.
The deep earth receives heat from three main sources: (1) heat left over from the planet's formation and accretion, (2) frictional heating brought on by denser core material sinking to the planet's centre, and (3) heat from radioactive element decay.
The energy produced when unstable atoms decay is known as radioactivity, and it is a substantial contributor to the Earth's heat. The main source are the radioactive isotopes of uranium-235 (235U), uranium-238 (238U), potassium-40 (40K), and thorium-232 (232Th) in the Earth's mantle.
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because b its not in a valley its a top a hill
not c cuz colossus of rhodes its LITTERLY COLOSSUS
and cant be d cut it cant burn down its made of marble