she is angry and upset becasue mani was a bad husband and he did bad things.
In The Cherry Orchard, there are several characters that represent the past. One of the characters is the mother, Lyubov Ranevskaya. Although her life is falling apart and she is losing her beloved.
French is easier and spoken in more countries.
They most likely wouldn't.
People are different. Situations you consider bad or awkward, might be seen differently by someone else. Everyone of the most gracious and giving people on this Earth has made a mistake. A model of good character isn't someone who has never made a mistake, it's someone who does charity work, is kind, and giving throughout mistakes. If I meet someone who is considered a model of good character I wouldn't expect them to be proud of me, because I too, have made my plentiful of mistakes. But I would expect them to understand that nobody is perfect and they have made mistakes too.