A group of cats is called a clowder.
Besides we cannot go after the other women whom we should marry in due course, but for the way in which she treats us." Then Telemachus said, "Eurymachus, and you other suitors, I shall say no more, and entreat you no further, for the gods and the people of Ithaca now know my story.
The first day of school is the hardest. An example would be a child's first day. Going to school on their first day can get real troublesome
for most of the children since they are not used to be separated with their parents. This
will become their first big step into the world beyond the confines of your
home. That is why, getting prepared for the first day of school of the child
can help minimize the parents' anxiety. Here are the tips:
1. Get
sure that you have everything they need for their first day such as deciding on
what food must be inside their lunchbox or what clothes they should be wearing.
2. Talk
to them what to expect in class.
the child what are the rules inside their classroom and what not and not to do
when inside the class. Make them feel at ease by telling them that the teacher
can help and that the parents' are always there at the end of their day.
3. Become
familiar with the school.
You should practice
the journey together to school and talk about the things that they will be
doing to help them become emotionally prepared.
If you are writing a letter, you should include in it:
- Your name
- Full address including zip code
- Date
- Recipient's full address( in this case address of your uncle)
- Greeting( Dear Uncle)
- The body of the letter should have a new paragraph with every different thought)
- The closing( such as Yours truly)
- Signature
First of all, you should write your name and full address with the date of writing and then your uncle's address. When you are done with that you can start writing. For example:
Dear uncle John,
How are you? I miss you a lot and I have remembered our talks about careers. That is why I decided to tell you about some of my thoughts and then you can give me some advice.
As you know, I am interested in IT. I don't have much experience so can you give me some useful advice. What job would be perfect for me at the moment?
Yours truly,
Mark N.