B : Indians were discriminated against and had unequal rights.
a. the appeal of Christianity among all social classes of Europe.
A. synonyms is big and large, since synonyms are words with the same meaning. B antonyms is hot and cold, since they have opposite meaning. C is room and house, since a room is part of a whole house. D is sun and sunburn, since the sun causes sunburn. E, is item and purpose, since a book is an item whose purpose is to be read.
<span>The correct answer is B. It was a major step forward for civilization because it protected the weak from the strong. There were laws before it but they weren't as comprehensive. Hammurabi stated himself in the introduction that it is made to protect weak from the strong. The law was based on an eye for an eye basis, meaning if for example cut someone's hand off, you would have your hand cut off.</span>