Hydrotherapy is the use of water in treatment
Answer: Their wages wouldn’t even get them out of debt to my grandmother, not to mention the staggering bill that waited on them at the white commissary downtown.
By stating that the town's cotton pickers had wages that could not even get them out of debt with their grandmother, Maya Angelou infers that the cotton pickers were paid meagre salaries which meant they were poor people who were even in debt with the White Commissary downtown which probably supplied them with their farming equipment.
<em>I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings</em> is an autobiography of Maya Angelou depicting her life as a child growing up with her momma ( grandmother).
Type your paper on a computer and print it out on standard, white 8.5 x 11-inch paper.
Double-space the text of your paper and use a legible font (e.g. Times New Roman). Whatever font you choose, MLA recommends that the regular and italics type styles contrast enough that they are each distinct from one another. The font size should be 12 pt.
Leave only one space after periods or other punctuation marks (unless otherwise prompted by your instructor).
Set the margins of your document to 1 inch on all sides.
Indent the first line of each paragraph one half-inch from the left margin. MLA recommends that you use the “Tab” key as opposed to pushing the space bar five times.
Create a header that numbers all pages consecutively in the upper right-hand corner, one-half inch from the top and flush with the right margin. (Note: Your instructor may ask that you omit the number on your first page. Always follow your instructor's guidelines.)
Use italics throughout your essay to indicate the titles of longer works and, only when absolutely necessary, provide emphasis.
If you have any endnotes, include them on a separate page before your Works Cited page. Entitle the section Notes (centered, unformatted).
"I want to know
particularly what the good
chance is you propose to
give me. I am doing
tolerably well here. I get
$25 a month, with
victuals and clothing"
"...we have concluded to
test your sincerity by
asking you to send us our
wages for the time we
served you."
"At $25 a month for me,
and $2 a week for Mandy,
our earnings would
amount to $11,680. Add
to this the interest for the
time our wages have
been kept back"