Overeating, a weight problem was developed. D
The doctor examined the X-ray in the lab coat. M
As their name suggests, modifiers are used in a sentence to modify another word, giving further information about it.
A dangling modifier is a modifier that does not refer to anything specific in the sentence, which makes it ambiguous. In the sentence "Overeating, a weight problem was developed," we do not know to whom or what "overeating" refers. To correct it, we must specify the word it modifies. For example:
- Due to his overeating, a weight problem was developed. → "overeating" refers to "he" or "him"
A misplaced modifier is simply a modifier whose position in the sentence is too far from the word it modifies, which makes it ambiguous as well. To correct it, all we need to do is change its location. In the sentence "The doctor examined the X-ray in the lab coat," "in the lab coat" is misplaced. Let's correct it:
- The doctor in the lab coat examined the X-ray.
The Cyclops were remarkably huge beasts who led an unconventional lifestyle as described by Odysseus. According to Odysseus the Cyclops were lawless brutes. They never tended their fields and only relied on the naturally growing plants and the goats they kept for sustenance.
u can trim it s ofc but i love that book i wrote a hole 10 page essay on it
Curly was trying to be friendly to a husky dog, but the dog was vicious and began to attack her face, she was trying to protect herself, but then the pack of 30-40 dogs came and attacked her as well, killing her in the process.
This quote focuses on the idea that sometimes, no matter how hard people try, <em>they cannot achieve their goals or deepest desires.</em> They reach out further and further for one thing or someone and <em>never </em>get to it. Some never lose hope and "stretch out their arms farther", but that doesn't mean they'll get there. They have more optimism. These final words are just about Gatsby's struggle to achieve the American dream and his dream girl and the unfortunate events that follow his endeavors.
If you use my analysis, don't copy word for word ! :)
Vote brainliest if you want! :)