Lines of latitude measure north-south position between the poles. Lines of latitude are all parallel to each other, thus they are often referred to as parallels.
Lines of longitude, or meridians, run between the North and South Poles. They measure east-west position. The prime meridian is assigned the value of 0 degrees, and runs through Greenwich, England. Meridians to the west of the prime meridian are measured in degrees west and likewise those to the east of the prime meridian are measured to by their number of degrees east.
Yes it developed but am not really sure what you mean
The movement of continents has affected weather patterns by creating mountain ranges and changing the location of the continents.
The movement of continents, or rather the movement of tectonic plates, has had, has, and will continue to have a huge impact on the weather patterns on Earth. One of the things that are among the most influential is the creation of mountain ranges and the changing locations of the continents.
The creation of mountain ranges alters the movement of air masses, meaning that it is a process that influences the amount of precipitation, as well as temperature distribution in the areas where they are found. The changing locations of continents are even more influential. This determines the size of oceans and seas and because of that the ocean currents as well. If there is more landmass around the poles then the climate will be colder and drier on a global level and the sea levels will be lower, but if landmass is lacking around the poles then the global climate will be warmer, wetter, and the sea levels will be higher.