Excerpt from Life on the Mississippi Mark Twain 'If you were to hit it you would knock the boat's brains out. Do you see where t
he line fringes out at the upper end and begins to fade away?' 'Yes, sir.' 'Well, that is a low place; that is the head of the reef. You can climb over there, and not hurt anything. Cross over, now, and follow along close under the reef--easy water there-- not much current.' I followed the reef along till I approached the fringed end. Then Mr. Bixby said--'Now get ready. Wait till I give the word. She won't want to mount the reef; a boat hates shoal water. Stand by--wait--WAIT--keep her well in hand. NOW cramp her down! Snatch her! Snatch her!' What thing is being personified as a "she" in the selected lines? A) the boat B) Mr. Bixby C) a swordfish D) the captain's wife
"If you were to hit it you would knock the boat's brains out" & "She won't want to mount the reef; a boat hates shoal water." boats do not have brainsor wants- an exp. of personified writting.