The order of appearance on Earth is:
First ___ Australopithecines
Second ___Homo habilis
Third ___ Homo erectus
Fourth ____ Neanderthals
Fifth ____ Homo sapiens
Australopithecines appeared on Earth about 5.6 million years ago and lived there until about 1.2 million years ago.
Homo habilis appeared on Earth about 2.4 million years ago and lived in Africa until about 1.6 million years ago.
Homo Erectus appeared on Earth about 2 million years ago and lived in Africa and Asia about 70,000 years ago.
Homo Neanderthalensis appeared on Earth about 230,000 ago and lived in Europe and Asia until about 40,000 years ago.
Homo Sapiens appeared on Earth about 200,000 years ago and still live on Earth.
Cyberbullying is psychologically harmful to members of the LGBTQ community because, in the 21st century, technology is a major part of society. People's lives revolve around technology and LGBTQ members can potentially be subjected to cyberbullying every day.
LGBTQ individuals are harassed because of an identity that they can not control nor change, and this damages their self-confidence and mental health, spurring them to believe that their existence is "wrong."
First of all the wars between the Ottoman and Safavid Empires were the result of the threat that the Safavids were to the Ottoman Empire and imperialism by both empires. The origins of the war lie with the establishment of the Safavid state. In 1500 Ismail led his Shia warrior sect of Azerbaijan to rebel against the Ak Koyunlu Sultanate.
Enlightened despots were kings and queens who tried to incorporate the ideas of the Enlightenment into their rule, while keeping their traditional powers. Enlightened despots such as Frederick II of Prussia and Maria Theresa of Austria tried to improve areas such as farming, industry, and education. They were also patrons of the arts and began many humanitarian reforms, like abolishing the use of torture. Maria Theresa's son,
Joseph II, was considered the most radical of the enlightened despots because of the extreme changes he made when he came to power in 1780. (Image: Courtesy of Wikipedia) Joseph II abolished serfdom, made taxes equal for both nobles and peasants, and granted freedom of the press to writers. He also confiscated Catholic Church property and used the money to build hospitals. His actions ultimately failed because he angered too many people. Nobles rebelled against him and he was forced to cancel many of these changes.