After the illegal drug-trade human trafficking is the fastest increasing criminal industry. Human trafficking is commonly referred to as "modern-day slavery." This is the illegal trade of human beings for forced labor or for exploitation. Exploitation referring to the use of others for prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery, or the removal of organs. Woman and young children living in poverty are the ones who usually fall in the trap of the traffickers. Due to poverty many women are not educated and are not employed leaving them with no choice but to sell their bodies to provide for their families. An approximated 17,500 foreigners are trafficked each year in the United States alone, the number of United States citizens trafficked within the United States are even higher. Human trafficking is a near-guaranteed death due to HIV and AIDS. Governments around the world are just beginning to address this problem and have realized just how common this type of slavery has become.
My favorite food is Chicken Tortellini. When I take my first bite, the flavors melt into my mouth, mind and heart. The delicacy soothes my senses and soul as I enjoy each moment of this food.