El sistema inmune es una red compleja de células y proteínas que defiende al cuerpo contra las infecciones. El sistema inmune mantiene un registro de todos los gérmenes (microbios) que ha derrotado para poder reconocer y destruir el microbio rápidamente si ingresa nuevamente al cuerpo.
Answer: Scientists must be concerned about the impacts it causes on normal people due to aging.
Explanation:When a healthy human takes the growth hormone they do not any side effects or symptoms at the early stage. Once they start aging they have joint and muscle pain in legs and arms earlier than other people of their age and also result in diabetes, blood pressure and heart and lung diseases.
The Human growth Hormone can also cause tumors in brain and also indulge in growth and development of Cancer Cells in people who has cancer or had been diagnosed before.So these are the main side effects that scientists should rectify in Human Growth Hormone.
Specialized cells perform specialized functions in multicellular organisms. Groups of specialized cells cooperate to form a tissue, such as a muscle.
Ok so i will try my best to describe the answers:
1) a convection current is like a boiling pot of soup. the burner heats up the soup on the bottom. hot air always goes up because the molecules become more active, making them space out upward. the hot soup travels up through the center of the pot, and the cold soup up top travels down towards the edges of the pot to replace the hot soup that just moved up. the process keeps on going and going until there is no more heat, or until the burner turns off.
2&3) the sun makes everything warmer, so when the sun touches Earth's surface, it warms up the air around it. as soon as the air warms up, it goes up into the atmosphere, like the pot of soup example. then, cold air from the top moves in to replace the hot air. with so many molecules of air moving at one time, it makes gusts of wind during the movement. when it is really windy, that means that there is a lot of hot air moving up and cold air moving down. when there is no wind, that means that every molecule is where it is supposed to be, not disturbing one another.
I hope this helps :D
The answer would be: It would have no effect, because tyrosine is also available from the diet
The pathway is different, alkaptonuria increased tyrosine is caused by decreased usage. In phenylketonuria, it is caused by increased production. While tyrosine is increased in phenylketonuria patient, it won't cause alkaptonuria because tyrosine could be found in the diet.