The statement 'south of London' is an example of 'absolute location' is false.
- A location can be said to be an absolute location when it is defined with exact longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates.
- For instance, the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London can be said to be an example of 'absolute location' because its location can be pinpointed with the help of longitudes and latitudes.
- When we say south of London, it can be the entire area that falls south of London, which cannot be an example of an 'absolute location'.
Population growth is the increase in the number of individuals in a population.
B. Slavery
That is because Hindi got into Fiji through Indentured Servitude and workers who were forced to work there.
<u>Longitude </u>measure the distance east to west of the prime meridian that runs through greenwich england. Degrees are denoted by the greek word lamba.
- Longitude gives us an angular measurement from 0 to 180 degrees. Subdivided into 60 minutes and 60 seconds. As longitude is singular at the poles.
- Earth's tectonic plates move relative to one another in different directions at the speed of 50 to 100mm per year so the movement sin tectonic plates influence the latitudinal rotation which changes from year to year.
- These vertical lines define the places on the earth with their approximate sea level surfaces. The longitudinal belt is the equator at the zero degrees largest longitude on earth.