Traditionalistic and also individualistic
The practicing of one party tradition or system of Texas reflect on the social life and and their economy as well. This system encouraged by them had strengthen the in various sector given rise to their rigidity in their economy.
The traditionalistic aspects of state politics are exemplified by the long history of one-party dominance in state politics, the low level of voter turnout, and social and economic conservatism.
Mayan number system is a vigesimal system- that means with a base of 20:
the correct answer is: 20, the Mayan number system is based on the number 20.
This means that a number like 360 is expressed with "18 times 20".
Scientists suggest that number systems based on 10 are inspired by the number of fingers, and number systems based on 20 could be based on fingers counted twice: after the number 10, hands would be turned upside-down.
What statement are you speaking of. He kind of talked a lot
2. Men interrupt women more; men talk significantly more
Explanation: Research conducted at Stanford university,New York times has highlighted that in group discussions men interrupt women more and talk more significantly too. This is believed to be so because women low representations in the leadership team or position of most organisations. Generally,the researchers are proposing a better women representations to reduce to stop this negative tendencies.