Construction paper, scissors, and paintbrushes in a pile on the table.
Now that Jonas can ask questions, he realizes how overwhelming it can be for one person to receive so much information.
Jonas discovers all the truths about human behavior. Being able to ask questions and now have access to the memories, he is overwhelmed by all these new feelings.
Some are pleasant, but others not so much. And this helps him understand why everyone else in the community is not allowed to ask questions.
Each of these memories completely overwhelms Jonas who does not understand very well what he is seeing, since it is something new to him.
Let's look at the following quote:
<em>"There was a question bothering Jonas. "Sir," he said, "The Chief
<em>Elder told me - she told everyone - and you told me, too, that it
<em>would be painful. So I was a little scared"</em>
[U] is for uncountable – uncountable nouns do not have a plural form, and are never preceded by ‘a’, ‘an’, or ‘one’.
Examples of uncountable nouns are butter, ice, jewellery, magic.
Using our five sense help us when we are in danger , need to listen/hear something ,it also helps us recognize stuff. the five senses help us hear, smell, taste and touch and that is very important to experice the world around us.
Metaphor – the author uses death of moth to represent how death applies and controls all species. She applies the life of the moth to that of human life. Woolf creates a beautifully written piece of work that makes a beautiful statement on the impermanence of life. “Again, somehow, one saw life, a pure bead.”