The poem White Man's Burden is written by Rudyard Kipling
Rudyard Kipling, a British poet, justifies the Euro-centric idea of racial supremacy and Imperialist ideology of civilizing the non white race in his peom in 1899. The moral obligation of colonizers or the white men is to take the burden of civilizing the barbaric and undeveloped world of the colonies known as "White Man's Burden". It is a mission that white man must embark upon that has received a lot of criticism for its racist approach.
There are two verbs- started and running
The verb phrase is- started running
Mrs. Germane praises Charlotte for her high test score.
Illiteracy is the biggest reason behind all of the social problems.
Unwanted social divisions like religion,caste etc ,often becomes the reason behind social problems.
Poverty is also a major reason.
Lack of proper leadership is also becoming a major factor for these social problems.