You might want to add more descriptions of the subject you are researching, or use quotes from articles to help it be known that it is genuine research. Make sure to cite the article and use in-text citation to avoid plagiarism.
Indroduction - Washing our hands is essential to
prevent the spread of infectious
Body - Germs pass from our hands to our
mouths when we handle food with
unwashed hands. A number of infectious diseases such as
influenza, hepatitis A, or gastroenteritis
can spread from one person to another
through touch. A good practice is to wash your hands
with liquid soap for 15 to 20 seconds
or longer.
Conclusion - You can now see how just a little time
spent washing your hands can save
you from some major illnesses.
A if he is using i and me, C if he is referring himself as his name
The correct answer would be A. I think "The Sound of Music" is my all-time favorite musical.
I hope this helps!
Paired conjunctions
Not only.....but
Iwill go either to Rio or Bahia on my vacation
Neither John nor Mary speaks French
Not only does he speak French,but also German