Un payaso es una persona que se encarga de hacer feliz a los niños,jóvenes y adultos. Visten de un traje muy gracioso y con la cara pintada así para tener la apariencia mas chistosa
Tú is not formal, while usted is. You use tú with friends and family and such, and usted with, for example, your teacher or the president.
cayeron - olvidó - quedó - dañó
"Pretérito perfecto" is a past tense used in Spanish to express actions that began and ended in the past and took place in a timely manner or in a limited time space, or that interrupted another course of action also past and that is expressed in "pretérito imperfecto" (another past tense).
Okay okay thanks for the invite I love you so funny I can’t see why I can’t see you all this weekend I don’t want you guys want me you want me something you want me you ain’t even