They include the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The government has a responsibility to protect these rights. ... In the section, the Declaration of Independence lays out all of the transgressions of the King (and the British government) against the colonists.
The muckrakers were reform-minded journalists in the Progressive Era in the United States (1890s–1920s) who exposed established institutions and leaders as corrupt. ... The muckrakers played a highly visible role during the Progressive Era. Muckraking magazines—notably McClure's of the publisher S. S.
The worked at a crop farm like tobacco or Cotten
Energy decreases because it moves up trophic levels since energy is misplaced as metabolic warm when the life forms from one trophic level are expended by life forms from another level. Trophic level exchange proficiency (TLTE) measures the amount of vitality that's exchanged between trophic levels.