Vegetative Propagation.
Vegetative propagation is technique through which plants reproduction takes place in an asexual way. This is usually done by cutting a stem of a plant and to reproduce another plant from the existing one. This can also be done via sexual means.
The advantages of growing of fruits and vegetables by using vegetative propagation are many. The biggest benefit is if we have a plant of a desirable trait, that same plant can be used again and again to reproduce fruits and vegetables. Vegetative propagation is also treated as cloning method.
Green house effect and human activity.
-The green house effect: Some gases in the atmosphere trap the heat and doesn't allow it to scape making the Earth warmer.
-Human activity: The industrial activities have increased the carbon dioxic levels that have contributed to the higher temperatures. Also, deforestation, fluorinated gases and fertilisers containing nitrogen have contributed to climate change.
You can conclude that Florida lacks in bedrock because sinkholes form where there is low amount of such.
Density is one of the most factors that play a key role in plate tectonic activities. Some of the ways in which density is important in the field of plate tectonics are as follows-
- The convergent plate boundaries are responsible for the creation of a subduction zone, where the high-density lithospheric plate subducts below the less dense one. It is because the heavier plate is comprised of heavy minerals thereby forming heavier rocks as a result of which its density increases. Due to these differences in density, there occurs a subduction zone.
- The divergent plate boundary forms where two plates move away from one another. This type of plate motion is responsible for the eruption of magma on the seafloor. As the plates diverge, the lithosphere becomes eventually thin, and with more progressive spreading, the magma comes out to the seafloor. This is because the hot magma is less dense, and forms convection cells as they rise upward. This is how the density helps in the upwelling of magma at the mid-oceanic ridge in a divergent plate boundary.
- When there collide two plates of equal densities, then it gives rise to the formation of huge mountains, because neither of them is heavy to get sink. So it uplifts the crust, forming a sandwich-type pattern.